
West LA Times

Saturday, March 8, 2025

California college students face barriers accessing available food assistance

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Dr. Michael Drake, President | Official website

Dr. Michael Drake, President | Official website

Even though California college and university students have had access to CalFresh, the state's federally funded food assistance program, since 2022, a significant number of students experiencing food insecurity are not utilizing this resource. According to a study by the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research (CHPR), nearly 45% of food-insecure students surveyed reported they have never used CalFresh, and 9% were unaware of its existence.

Food insecurity is defined as having limited or uncertain access to adequate food. It impacts students' physical and mental health and affects their academic performance. Students facing food insecurity often have lower grade-point averages and are more likely to consider dropping out or reducing their course load, which can delay graduation.

"Common sense says it's harder to be successful as a student when you're not always sure where your next meal is coming from," said AJ Scheitler, director of the data equity center at the UCLA CHPR and lead author of the report. "What's more troubling is that so many students who are eligible for financial support to purchase food aren't using it, whether through lack of awareness or insufficient assistance navigating the application process."

Scheitler will discuss findings from the report during a webinar with Tabashir Nobari of California State University, Fullerton on January 29th.

The research involved collaboration with basic needs programs at several University of California campuses, Cal State universities, and community colleges. These programs aim to connect qualifying students with the CalFresh application process. The study identified common issues such as insufficient staffing in basic needs offices and lack of coordination between campuses and county CalFresh programs.

Three years ago, California became one of the first states to offer college students access to benefits from SNAP, known locally as CalFresh. As other states consider similar measures, increasing student participation remains a priority for administrators.

Eligible students can receive up to $291 monthly in benefits but must renew every six months and recertify annually. However, implementation guidance was lacking when legislation was introduced in 2022, leading campuses to develop individual approaches.

The study found that half of California college students surveyed experienced food insecurity; 28% skipped meals due to affordability issues. Among those aware but not using CalFresh, reasons included perceived ineligibility (50.3%), uncertainty about applying (27.8%), and time constraints (14.4%).

Eligibility criteria include working at least 20 hours per week or being enrolled in certain employability programs approved by the California Department of Social Services.

Specific student groups reported higher rates of food insecurity: those previously in foster care, first-generation college attendees, and disabled individuals.

"Students having enough food to eat is about more than hunger and nutrition," Scheitler noted. "Our research shows that food security is also a matter of educational equity."

To increase student use of CalFresh, recommendations for colleges include stabilizing staffing in campus basic needs offices and building relationships between these offices and financial aid departments. For policymakers, suggestions involve connecting financial aid information directly with CalFresh applications. Recommendations for administrators focus on transparency in application outcomes and fostering partnerships between county programs and academic institutions.